Tuesday, February 1, 2011

postheadericon Well it was only a matter of time

Hello all,

I know I know it's been a while but in my defense I have not had a working computer. But now that my computer is back and working I will be posting a LOT more.

My first post of the new year is not going to be a happy one. I'm thinking it's going to be a little bit of a rant fest. I apologize now in advance if I bring y'all down with me.

So I have had Rheumatoid Arthritis since I was 2 yeas old, so for anybody keeping score that is 30 YEARS. For most people when I say I have arthritis they give me a look that says"SO? why should I care, that's no big deal " but it is a big deal. RA is not your grandmothers arthritis. My RA is an autoimmune disorder. My RA is closer to Lupus than Osteoarthritis (which is what most people have when they say they have arthritis.) Ra takes a good 30 years off your life span. RA can hurt your eyes, heart, and ALL your joints..

The other "downside" to RA is that your body is prone to more diseases and conditions. Now I have made it 30 years without any other conditions popping up.... until now.

Let me paint y'all a picture. Some time last week I woke up in pain. Now this is not an uncommon thing in my world. I wake up with pain most days. What was different this time was the intensity and where it was located. Over night my arthritis had spread to a new joint. Until now my hips (knock on wood) have been great. I have never had a twinge of pain in them (much to the amazement of my rhuematologist). But on this morning I was wondering just how I was going to make it down to the bathroom and get Meaghan off to school. So I sucked it up got Meaghan up for school and made it down the stairs to the washroom. I was able to do all this because downstairs right by my favorite spot on the couch is a wonderful wicker box. What is so wonderful about this box you ask? The box itself is not so great it's what's in the box that made me able to get up and make it down the stairs. In this box I keep ALL MY DRUGS. I love my drugs. It is because of my drugs that I am able to walk, talk, sit, stand and even hold a tooth brush. I kid you not. My only joints not effected by RA are my shoulders, hips(maybe).

So back to my box O drugs. I knew 20 minutes after taking about 6 or 7 different pills my pain would go away. So I did this and 20 minutes later my pain was not gone. Nope instead it was getting worse. I got Meaghan off to school and I went back to bed. This usually helps me but alas this was not to be my fate this day. I know a lot of people reading this are thinking "whatever how bad could it be?" " Suck it up princess" the best way I can describe it is by comparing it to being cut open with a hot dull knife. My glute, and hamstring on my right side were on fire. Every time I engaged the muscles the pain was intensified to point where Dave wanted to take me to the hospital. Anyone who knows Dave knows that he would rather stitch his own wound up with a needle and thread then go to the emergency room. I said no to the hospital, they were just gonna tell me it's my RA and to go see your doctor to adjust your meds. So this is what I was planning on doing.

Today I had a physio appointment, so I went to it with the hope that my therapist would be able to help alleviate at least some of the the pain. At first she was thinking like me it was just a bad flare up in a new joint. Upon further inspection she decided that it was NOT my RA in a new joint. YEA YEA YEA YIPPEEEEEE YIPPPPPPPEEEEEEE. This is great news. It means my meds are still working and my disease is NOT progressing. This is the best news I have heard in regards to my RA. The bad news...... what the fuck is going on with my leg?

DRUM ROLL PLEASE..................

I have Ischiogluteal Bursitis. What is that do you ask? It's Bursitis of the hip. It is a ridiculously painful condition. That is treated with rest and ice, pain killers and injectable steroids. All and all not too bad. The pain is stupid but at least it doesn't have any other side effects. It's not going to hurt my heart or lungs or anything I just have to deal with the pain. If at the end of the day nothing will get rid of the pain, then there is a quick little surgery to remove the bursa and poof no more pain.

So all in all I made it 30 years before I came down with another ailment in conjunction with my RA. That is not to bad (lol). It sucks. I want less pain not more. I want to be able to get out of bed without crying. I want my daughter NOT to see her mom cry from pain.

Oh well , it was only a matter of time. ~sigh~

Later Gaters



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