Thursday, February 10, 2011

postheadericon Just a Little Rant and Rave

I have been a little laid up lately so I've not posted in a couple days. My doc changed my pain med last week and I have to say I am not getting any better relief. I am a little frustrated and to be perfectly honest I am a little depressed. I am used to pain but the pain I'm having right now is just too much. I need some relief. Every time I engage the hamstring it spasms. Or something. All I know is that the pain is almost too much to bear. I'm mad at myself for complaining because I am all to aware that there are people out there that are in way worse shape then I am but I need to vent. I need to get this off my chest, cause I think I'm gonna have a little breakdown over it if I don't. So please my loyal readers bear with me. The majority of my joints are doing well. My knees are pain free. The giving out that was plaguing me after my second knee replacement has stopped, and I owe that 100 percent to to my physio therapist. She has done some amazing work with me and I owe her big time (even if she does make me do football drills).

My doc changed my meds but I went back to my old anti-inflammatory after 3 days cause the new ones he put me on were crap. They were giving me no relief. My old ones are doing much better. I am going this afternoon to the doctors again. I was supposed to go next week but I called today because I am in rough shape again. I'm getting better all over relief for the new pain patch but it the break through pain that is causing me the most discomfort. I hate feeling like this. I was doing so good for so long. I would have a normal flare up of pain every once and a while (which is what most RA suffers will have to deal with for the rest of their lives) and that I can deal with. I have made my peace with my RA. I accept that I have RA that is out of control and I will always have to deal with it. SO BE IT. IT MAKES ME WHO I AM. But this new pain????? No FUCKING way. I am not taking it any longer. I demand relief. ~sigh~

But again I feel like a big baby because there are people way worse off then me. I feel like I need to suck it up but honestly I don't think I can.

Well that's it for now, I will post after I get home from the doctors and let you know what he said.

Later Gaters



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