Saturday, February 5, 2011

postheadericon Meaghan

I took Meaghan to dance today (something I do twice a week), and as I was sitting there watching her I was so impressed with the simple beauty in the lines of her body as she went through the positions. I'm always so enthralled while I watch her dance. Even the simplest movement is a source of amazement for me. I wonder how this beautiful creature came from me. Her posture is nothing short of perfect. I wonder sometimes if she does have the imaginary string the dance teacher tells them to pull to get the girls posture straight.

But then there is the other side of Meaghan, the side of kids that fall down ALL the time. My friend is constantly telling her son to get off the floor ( so at least I know it's not just my kid) The worst is when Meaghan is going through a growth spurt. She just finished one and even her dance teachers were surprised at how wobbly she was. Normally she can stand on one leg with some measure of composure, but last week it was like a new born horse or deer trying to stand up for the first time, it was not good people not good at all.

I realized today that I may be a little jealous of the grace my daughter poses when she is dancing. I've never had that kind of grace (at least not on dry land anyways). I know that sounds awful but it's honest. Today was a bit different though, instead of just me watching Meaghan, she had her Grandma and Grandpa there and her Great Grandma as well. I was in my glory. I was no longer the only one watching her dance beautifully, other members of her family were there to see it as well. I could not have been prouder, her Grandpas was full of praise but the kicker.... what Great Grandma. Great grandma was so impressed by her that she couldn't say enough good things. Things like " look at her toes, ballet is all in the toes you know" " Look at her legs, Ballet is all in the legs." And then when they started to do the jumps in place and switch their lead foot in the air. Great Grandma and Grampa were heard saying " look at that, she got that down perfect, way better then the other girls." I stood there ever quite, piping in here and there about how good the other girls are as well. I do this because I know the other mom's and dad's are sitting there right behind us.

Oh, my Meaghan is the best part of my day. Whether I am watching her dance or just watching her watch TV I am always enthralled with her. I find her to be the most curious creature. One of the funniest things she does though is when she gets into character. She has a few more memorable ones.... the Pirate, the old man, the old woman with cane and the dog walker. Now the best part of these persona's is that if you need to talk to "Meaghan" you need to put in a request with the character and the character whomever it may be goes into the other room to get Meaghan, a few seconds later out comes Meaghan sans costume. ~sigh~ I always have to laugh when this happens, Dave simply shakes his head (he is less likely to play along in the fantasy world as I am.)

No matter who she is pretending to be, or whether she is mesmerizing me with her dance moves I find myself more in love with all that she is everyday. I am so blessed to have her in my life. I thank God everyday for her. She make me smile like no other, she makes me crazy like no other. She can even make me mad like no other, but I would have it no other way. My life would have no purpose without her. I would not be half the woman I am today without her. I hope everyone has someone or something in their life that makes them feel wonderment like I do when I look at my daughter. I hope everyone has that 1 thing in their life that lets them no that there is more to life then just themselves.

this post is for my little one, so that there will always be something for her to read to know how much she meant to me and how thankful I am to have her in my life.

Later Gaters




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