Tuesday, November 23, 2010

postheadericon The day After the First Dance Class

Day-----o me say Dayyyyyy---ooooooo Daylight come and me wanna go home.

Hello All

So it is the day after for me. Teh day after I decided to dance my ass off. I am stil very in love with the dancing, and I am sooooo going to do it again next week. But holy shit do my abs and calves hurt. My abs hurt so bad that I wanna cry every time I breathe. Oh well it was worth it. My calves are just as bad. I'm hobbling around today like an eighty year old. Meaghan thought Momma was quite funny today. Every little groan and creak gets a choice swear word and she just laughs at me and say"momma potty word"

My day however started at 12:30am. I was in the shower and I heard a ruckus coming down the stairs. Next comes a little knock on the bathroom door and Meaghan comes in and I swear to god I almost fainted when I saw her. My heart stopped for a second. She was white as a ghost and she had green vomit all around her mouth. i tell you people it was like the kid from the Exorcist was in my f'n bathroom. I waited with my breath in my throat for her head to spin around . Her head did not spin around much to my relief. she did start crying and tell me she had threw up in her bed. So I the super mom I am shot out of the shower with no regard for the naked sight I made and ran ( or at least what I pass off for running nowadays) to the linen closet to get a face cloth to clean my little horror movie up.

I got her washed up and got her to brush her teeth (nobody like the taste of vomit in their mouths) as I hopped back in to the shower to finish washing my hair. I got out once again and got clean jammies for the kid (this time I grabbed a nice big fluffy towel for myself). I get her changed and moved to the couch. I get her all settled on the couch, clean jammies, clean snuggle blanket, Emu's on to warm up her cold feet and a glass of juice. I just plunk myself down beside her to brush out my hair and I hear it. That tell tale sound that the vomit is a coming. That obnoxious gurgle, and sure enough there it was. Meaghan however did not make a mess she made it to the toilet in time. But we had to brush teeth again, and wash her face again and get yet another clean pair of jammies. Oh the joy of it all.

it is now 130am. I am tired, my back is hurting and my child is sick. I have made the executive decision to sleep on the couch so that we are closer to the bathroom if she needs to get sick again. So I get a big towel out to lay over the couch. Next, I grab a big bowl for her to puke in and then I drug her. That's right I said it, I drugged my own child. i gave a dose of gravol. I have to say she slept real hard after taking it. lol Oh well no more vomit.

I kept her home from school cause I just didn't want to send her. She was tired and very pale. even though she said she wanted to go. Instead we stayed on the couch all day eating nothing but crackers and drinking juice. we watch the Disney channel allllllllllllllll morning. I saw Handy Manny, Imagination Movers, the new Mickey Mouse cartoon, Franny's feet and that's all I can remember. To be honest I think I blocked most of it out. You know, to avoid psychological damage. I called the doctor they are fitting her in tomorrow. She has been sick for a few days now so I need to get her checked out, at least for my piece of mind.

So now I am sitting here telling you all about my very long day. My abs and calves still hurt. Meaghan has not thrown up again, and my cable, phone and internet is out (this post will be delayed until I can log back in to post it ~sigh~) I hope Shaw finishes their scheduled maintenance very very soon.

Oh yes, a quick thank you to Thyroid Storm (the best superhero ever) for bringing over the garlic and probiotics. I hope they do their job.

Anyway I am outta here. Goodnight all and remember to look Both way before crossing the street, It would suck big time to get smooshed by a garbage truck this close to Christmas.

Later Gator's



SEMster said...

Sucks...hope she gets better soon and that bug gets OUT OUT OUT! Also, no more streaking, it's not good for anyone!

BMM said...

Hey man when you kids comes into the bathroom looking Lind Blair let me see if you take the time to grab a towel. love ya.


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