Tuesday, August 10, 2010

postheadericon Day 1

Wow. So this is day 1. A new life? I don't know. I want to believe that it will stick, that I will be able to sustain my momentum, but like a lot of things in life momentum can easily fade. I am hoping by starting this blog I will be more committed to the new me. I should clarify what I want to change:

1. loose weight. (85 lbs to be exact)
2.get my Rheumatoid Arthritis under control
3.be a bigger part of my daughters life. (be able to keep up with her0
4.Do more for my hubby

I have 2 big addictions - Chocolate and Pepsi. I want to kick these habits. I don't want to say I WILL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER piece of chocolate or another can of Pepsi, that is not remotely reasonable. I do want to however only have that every once in a while. as a treat, As a quiet moment, one that I will truly enjoy. I want to be healthy. I am happy. I love my life, family and house. I want to love my body.

I say I want to love my body because it is riddled with pain everyday. Everyday it is a fight to just get out of bed and face the day. My pain is not well controlled but I am so tired of it having such a big pull in my life. I hate that it controls me and my family. There is so much I want to do but can't because of my pain. In the last 2 years I had to have both my knees replaced because they were destroyed thanks to my arthritis. I am only 31. I know a lot of people will read this and want to tell me to suck it up but until you live with this disease you have no idea what it takes from you. not only has it taken about 20 years off my life expectancy (yes if my medication does not kill me the disease will) it has taken my ability to even get on the floor with my daughter.

This is it for today. I am tired of talking about it and my hands hurt from typing. So I am signing off.


Unknown said...

Brooke, stop with the Pepsi already. I kinda laughed when I read that Pepsi part. Anyways, hang in there, you have been a fighter through all these years. I miss the car rides to and fro work.

Cheers my friend


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