Thursday, February 24, 2011

postheadericon It's been a while

So I know it's been a while but it's been a busy time for me. I just wanted to do up a quick little post today just to let you all know I am still here. I am in a bit better shape. My pain is a little better. I'm on some crazy strong pain meds but they're doing their job for the most part.

I saw the doctor today and he is "baffled" (his words not mine) My blood work is normal (normal for me). My urine is "clean". So he has no idea what's going on. At this point I really have no idea what to think or do. I am tired of it all. Right from the start I did not for a second think it was my RA. It has just felt different to me this time. As the pain goes down thanks to the pain meds I am able to feel other things. I feel that my leg is numb and full of pins and needles, as is my foot. I also noticed that when I sit for any amount of time when I get up the leg gets some serious pins and needle action going on. From there I noticed that with prolonged walking pins and needles will return and my toes are always partially asleep. Sigh

I have no fucking clue what to think. All signs are pointing to nerve problems. the hamstring, glute and calf are doing some weird things. They seem too engage on their own. and let me tell you that is very odd, and unsettling. I have another appointment on Monday with the rheumatologist and I am hoping that he has an idea. If he doesn't then it is off to a pain specialist (thank you S for the idea). The worry is that my nerves are dying in the leg. nerve death can for sure cause the pain I am in. It can also cause all the other symptoms I am experiencing and it is very plausible because of my Ra. But at the end of the day I don't care what the problem is. Just diagnose it and make it better. I have no expectation of a cure ( there is not cure for RA) I am used to living with a condition that can not be cured. I just want to know what is going on and I want it to stop. I want to feel like I did 6 weeks ago. I think that is a reasonable request.

Oh well.

i was watching Grey's Anatomy tonight with Meaghan and at the end of the episode the 3 sexy doctors, Hunt, Sloan and Sheppard were all hitting golf balls off the roof of the hospital and Meaghan looked at me and said " Mommy i like that guy." "Which guy? " I asked " the one with the beard thingy... I like him a LOT" " SO do a lot of girls i told her. She was so enthusiastic about it I couldn't help but laugh and laugh hard. She is such a girl and the liking of Marc Sloan just showed how girlie she is and is going to be.

Meaghan had a dentist appointment today. NO CAVITIES. Dave and I are very proud of her. Meaghan does all her own brushing and flossing now. And it looks like she is doing a very good job of it. Way to go kiddo.

I am doing a project called 365. It is a photography project. Now I know I am no photographer but I am enjoying the taking of pictures everyday. Sarah got me involved in it. If you guys want to see some crazy good picture you should check out her project she is very good. She has an eye for it. I like my pictures but I have no delusions that I will ever be able to make a career out of it. Sarah on the other hand could totally make a go of it. I would pay her to take out family portraits that for sure. Here is the link to my project. Please check it out. (Sarah's is ) and well worth the checking it out

I think that is it for tonight. I have a little work to do on my latest project. I am making hand made beads for jewelry. And not to toot my own horn I think they are getting very good. I will post some pics of what I have made so far with my next post. I am enjoying doing it and it keeps me busy in the evenings.

Night night to everyone

Later Gaters


SEMRants said...

Awww sweets, I know we're going to find an answer real soon for more crappy unknown. Thanks for the link to my project, I rather enjoy that I get to look at your photos every day! Can't wait to get me one of those beads :)


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