Monday, November 22, 2010

postheadericon The First Dance Class

So.... what did you all do tonight? Wanna know what I did? I'm gonna tell you, cause this is my blog and I can say anything I want on my blog. I can say things like my dog is snoring, or I need to take a shower or even things like blopblogpl shondgen. Yep I have the power to say anything I want. ~snicker~

Anyway today was slow, Meaghan had school, I had physio. But tonight was anything but slow. First off let me start off by telling you all how proud I was tonight of Meaghan. She did the splits in dance class. They have been working on it for weeks. Meaghan has been practicing and practicing and tonight was the first time she was able to do them all the way down. At least with her right leg in front. Put the left leg in front and the little bum of hers is no where near the floor, But tonight there was triumph. She looked over at me with he legs split apart in such a way that makes most people cringe,wearing the biggest smile ever seen on a child's face.Then I noticed that I had a big smile and I was holding me breath to see if she could do it. I am proud of my little girl, She kept at something that most people will never be able to do, until she got it.

Now as for me I did something I never thought I would do. No I didn't go hunting for deer, or ice fishing. Nope, I went to an adult Jazz class. I have to admit I had no idea what I was getting myself and 2 girlfriends into. But it was FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!! I am so pumped. I did dance moves that I thought because of my RA and knee replacemnts and the condition my hip is in I would never be able to do. I learned things like a kick ball change, pas de bourree, there is a spin while traveling as well as others that I cannot name.

The class started with stretching ( I can touch my toes still), then an ab workout, followed by the learing of a few key steps. Then we were taught a routine that the teacher is trying to get us to do for the recital in the spring. (fat chance of that happening) I will gladly make a fool of myself in front of the other fools doing the same foolish things but I will not make a fool out of myself in front of my family and hundreds of strangers. It would take a lot of liquid courage to get me to do that. It was a great workout. I feel amazing for doing it. I am just as proud of myself as I was of Meaghan doing the splits.

In other news I am almost done the Christmas shopping. Yay me.My goal is to not step a foot in the mall in December. I'll let you know how that goal pans out. Jack even got to go Christmas shopping this year. She bought Meaghan a gift full of art supplies. Meaghan was very surprised to see a gift wrapped from Jack. I told her that the animals always get a day to go to the mall to buy gifts for their humans. She loved that idea.

Dave is working hard, The crack-berry never stops buzzing. Even Meaghan sighs when it goes off when we are doing a family thing. Oh well. He is a hard worker. And I am very proud of that part of him.

What else to say tonight? I don't think I have anything else to say tonight. I will leave you with this last thought. If you .. I got nothing. I am going to go watch some TV, and relax.

Later Gators




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